Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Twitter and Facebook in School?

Twitter and Facebook should be something that teachers use to keep themselves connected and to continuously learn new things, but I dont think they should be used with students.  Students are already so distracted in class and adding a tool like these are just going to add to the distractions. If anyone has any positives on using them in the classroom I'm open to any ideas...


  1. I completely agree with you 100 percent!

  2. I'm still on the fence with this one.

  3. Hopefully after today, you can revisit this post.

  4. agree with the fence comment, I can see it some what being useful but then again i can see the negative in it.

  5. Twitter and Facbook can be useful in having a place to remind students to do homework or have links and educational resources that students can have access to at home.

  6. I agree with Rien, except the limited character count of Twitter could prove more difficult than facebook...
